
Anyone ever pre-emptively asked for a raise while having an offer in their back pocket?

The rather large company I work for is notoriously cheap. I know. Pick yourself up off the floor. That probably shook you to your core to learn something like that. Anyway, they rarely hand out raises apart from cost of living. As a company, they are behind their competitors in wage despite their claims that the survey company they pay have told them they are competitive. I'm planning to leave but rather than simply getting an offer and then giving notice and seeing if they counter which they often do for someone like myself in a higher position, I wanted to go to them and ask for a wage matching the offer withthout disclosing I have it to see how they react. I'm betting they scoff at the mere mention of a raise. “Not this year bub, inflation blah blah blah”. “Cool, glad to know how you feel about me.…

The rather large company I work for is notoriously cheap.

I know. Pick yourself up off the floor. That probably shook you to your core to learn something like that.

Anyway, they rarely hand out raises apart from cost of living. As a company, they are behind their competitors in wage despite their claims that the survey company they pay have told them they are competitive.

I'm planning to leave but rather than simply getting an offer and then giving notice and seeing if they counter which they often do for someone like myself in a higher position, I wanted to go to them and ask for a wage matching the offer withthout disclosing I have it to see how they react.

I'm betting they scoff at the mere mention of a raise. “Not this year bub, inflation blah blah blah”.

“Cool, glad to know how you feel about me. Here's my resignation.”

Has anyone ever done this and if so, what were the results? I can't imagine a lot different than the above.

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