
Anyone with experience in Department of Labor Conferences?

If there's a better subreddit for this, let me know. I'm posting this here since it does deal with wage theft. Long story short, I was let go from my job in May, and after doing the research it looks like I'm legally owed money they didn't pay for my final check. I filed a claim with my DOL (CA) and didn't think it went anywhere. Well, a month ago I got a letter about having a scheduled phone conference with the DOL over the matter. In it, the letter listed my claims and an estimate of what I would be owed, as well as a pamphlet on my rights as a CA employee. I filled out the contact information they needed, and now that conference is coming up. I've been gathering evidence for my claim as needed – email communication where said company explicitly said they would not pay…

If there's a better subreddit for this, let me know. I'm posting this here since it does deal with wage theft.

Long story short, I was let go from my job in May, and after doing the research it looks like I'm legally owed money they didn't pay for my final check. I filed a claim with my DOL (CA) and didn't think it went anywhere.

Well, a month ago I got a letter about having a scheduled phone conference with the DOL over the matter. In it, the letter listed my claims and an estimate of what I would be owed, as well as a pamphlet on my rights as a CA employee. I filled out the contact information they needed, and now that conference is coming up.

I've been gathering evidence for my claim as needed – email communication where said company explicitly said they would not pay the money in question, payment records, etc. But I wanted to see if I could get some perspective from someone who may have been through this process. What should I expect going into this?

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