
Anything wrong?

Coworker fell for a scam call, don't know how much it was, but must've been bad. My concern is taking out of paycheck, and the whole “other technological methods” as I have many customers who come in specifically to reload their cards (paypal, visa, cashapp, etc). Granted, they do this in store and obviously they pay, so I see no issue in doing it, but don't know if he'd count those and don't want to sign incase he does. Customers mainly only come in when I'm in as I'm the only one who will do it. Besides this he's made it a terminal offense if we answer the phones and it's not him on the other end. Understandable as to avoid scammers, but this also effects customers who might call.

Coworker fell for a scam call, don't know how much it was, but must've been bad. My concern is taking out of paycheck, and the whole “other technological methods” as I have many customers who come in specifically to reload their cards (paypal, visa, cashapp, etc). Granted, they do this in store and obviously they pay, so I see no issue in doing it, but don't know if he'd count those and don't want to sign incase he does. Customers mainly only come in when I'm in as I'm the only one who will do it.

Besides this he's made it a terminal offense if we answer the phones and it's not him on the other end. Understandable as to avoid scammers, but this also effects customers who might call.

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