
Apparently seniority is more important than a scheduled vacation day that’s been in for months.

Yeah so I had a vacation day put in for the day after my birthday. Only actual vacation day I’ll get to use this year because I had to use payout to afford my bills while things were slow, that included exactly 68 hours of vacation Well we have another slow day coming up this Sunday and only half the plant is working. I was told my vacation day that again, has been in for months, does not matter and if the people with seniority don’t want to come in I don’t have a choice. They didn’t want to come so I guess they won’t have anyone here running that position because I’m calling out. I’m already sick of this job so I don’t even care.

Yeah so I had a vacation day put in for the day after my birthday. Only actual vacation day I’ll get to use this year because I had to use payout to afford my bills while things were slow, that included exactly 68 hours of vacation

Well we have another slow day coming up this Sunday and only half the plant is working. I was told my vacation day that again, has been in for months, does not matter and if the people with seniority don’t want to come in I don’t have a choice. They didn’t want to come so I guess they won’t have anyone here running that position because I’m calling out. I’m already sick of this job so I don’t even care.

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