
Application processes are Inhumane (slight rant)

Judging people before there's even a handshake or a personal greeting? Not that even meeting in person does this current structure of work life any justice. I've gone to many jobs that I've turned down simply because the managers had an extremely narcissistic vibe to their character. It's how they lure the desperate I suppose; such a great motivator. Just applied for a factory because I heard they'd had 4 no-calls and no shows because people couldn't pass a drug test. So I figured my sobriety would give me a leg up. Got a phone interview and just got a denial e-mail. I wouldn't say I'm pissed off anymore, I've grown to expect this. If anything, when a child learns English the first phrase that should be taught is “Arbeit macht nicht frei”. At least then it wouldn't be such a let down later on in life. I will say,…

Judging people before there's even a handshake or a personal greeting? Not that even meeting in person does this current structure of work life any justice. I've gone to many jobs that I've turned down simply because the managers had an extremely narcissistic vibe to their character. It's how they lure the desperate I suppose; such a great motivator.

Just applied for a factory because I heard they'd had 4 no-calls and no shows because people couldn't pass a drug test. So I figured my sobriety would give me a leg up. Got a phone interview and just got a denial e-mail. I wouldn't say I'm pissed off anymore, I've grown to expect this. If anything, when a child learns English the first phrase that should be taught is “Arbeit macht nicht frei”. At least then it wouldn't be such a let down later on in life.

I will say, the next job I get, I'm going to work tirelessly to attempt to bring up the moral in the workplace. I've seen so many easy jobs turn soulless because people become zombified. I have no reason to drag my personal life's emotions into work anymore and I can help others to do the same. It's like an infection really; especially at the bottom where help isn't affordable or even helpful. So much needs to change in my life time or else this planet is going to crumble. America is going to crumble. It's not like every living soul in this country has a life garnished with silver cladding, a perfect family, perfect career, perfect pay. And this system of emotional exploitation needs to be done away with.

Psychologically speaking I've realized how a soulless job causes people to be; same with a soulless external living (social and family life). Alter one of them you alter the rest. The smaller the job the easier it is to change it's status quo. Something needs to be done because we silently accept this treatment as if to accept our place as servants; instead of the human beings worthy of humane treatment. Not cells to exploit for more profits to endless reaches. Life is only going to get darker the longer this system remains unquestioned. Computers have turned us to digits and material has turned us to cravers of the dopamine. All under the guise of working our asses off to afford the luxuries we create.

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