
Applied for a remote position; they “now have a critical need for a local candidate …”

” … who is able to be onsite for occasional team meetings or urgent matters.” Response, excluding the bait-and-switch remote position for on-site: To hold in-person team meetings during a health pandemic, especially with widely available high-speed Internet, demonstrates an irresponsible lack of consideration for employees’ well-being. While I appreciate the update, kindly consider my application withdrawn. Has anyone else seen companies pulling this?

” … who is able to be onsite for occasional team meetings or urgent matters.”

Response, excluding the bait-and-switch remote position for on-site:
To hold in-person team meetings during a health pandemic, especially with widely available high-speed Internet, demonstrates an irresponsible lack of consideration for employees’ well-being. While I appreciate the update, kindly consider my application withdrawn.

Has anyone else seen companies pulling this?

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