
Applied for job, company changes job role and responsibilities immediately upon first interview.

I applied for a role in my field and the first thing that came out of the panels’ mouth was “thanks for applying to the XYZ role” to which I interjected and said I believe I applied for XYZ role instead. Completely different title than the one I applied for. They stated that they’re restructuring and are now combining two roles into one and the new job title isn’t even remotely what my career field has been about. Same pay but more responsibilities I’m sure. Not sure why they even advertise the role if it’s basically non-existent. I humored the interview but I wasn’t on my A-game after that so I’m sure I won’t get an offer anyway. This is a Fortune 5 company btw.

I applied for a role in my field and the first thing that came out of the panels’ mouth was “thanks for applying to the XYZ role” to which I interjected and said I believe I applied for XYZ role instead. Completely different title than the one I applied for.

They stated that they’re restructuring and are now combining two roles into one and the new job title isn’t even remotely what my career field has been about. Same pay but more responsibilities I’m sure. Not sure why they even advertise the role if it’s basically non-existent. I humored the interview but I wasn’t on my A-game after that so I’m sure I won’t get an offer anyway.

This is a Fortune 5 company btw.

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