
Applied to over 200 jobs in the last 5 months- finally got an interview only to be disappointed

This was my third round of interviews. I was confident. It was a 2 hour in person interview. Nothing but red flags. One of their first few interview questions was “what was a moment you were proud of when you sacrificed something in your personal life for work?” I don’t sacrifice personal commitments for any job- that’s taking advantage of an employee. A sacrifice suggests not being compensated accordingly for the task. And then they told me they prided themselves on coming in early and leaving late- like 6 AM to 6:30 pm 5 days a week. Fuck that, as there was no mention of any overtime pay. This is a customer service job…. It’s not worth it. And then they showed me their office which had a white board with all the sales numbers and % written next to each persons name. In the corner of the board it…

This was my third round of interviews. I was confident. It was a 2 hour in person interview. Nothing but red flags. One of their first few interview questions was “what was a moment you were proud of when you sacrificed something in your personal life for work?” I don’t sacrifice personal commitments for any job- that’s taking advantage of an employee. A sacrifice suggests not being compensated accordingly for the task.

And then they told me they prided themselves on coming in early and leaving late- like 6 AM to 6:30 pm 5 days a week. Fuck that, as there was no mention of any overtime pay. This is a customer service job…. It’s not worth it.

And then they showed me their office which had a white board with all the sales numbers and % written next to each persons name. In the corner of the board it said “board of humiliation” and had punishments written on it like “whoever sells the least this month has to buy everyone coffee every day for a week” among other ridiculous and stupid “punishments”.

I’m so discouraged. I guess it’s back to the search.

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