
applying everywhere but i dont have open availability so i think that might be my problem

i'm in intensive outpatient therapy 3 days a week and i cant drive so im applying everywhere i can walk to after therapy and can get a ride to on the weekends and nothing. if i had a job i could at least change my availability to only unavailable during therapy since i could use a bus but right now it's annoying. i'm selling drawings or trying to at least. i really need a job to get some things paid off and support my family. it's also not helping that i'm very autistic and job interviews are hard for me when i actually get them. anyway. this is my vent. i just want a part time retail job this shouldnt be so hard

i'm in intensive outpatient therapy 3 days a week and i cant drive so im applying everywhere i can walk to after therapy and can get a ride to on the weekends and nothing. if i had a job i could at least change my availability to only unavailable during therapy since i could use a bus but right now it's annoying. i'm selling drawings or trying to at least. i really need a job to get some things paid off and support my family. it's also not helping that i'm very autistic and job interviews are hard for me when i actually get them. anyway. this is my vent. i just want a part time retail job this shouldnt be so hard

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