
Applying to Internships is exhausting

I'm currently in university and looking for internships and I find this whole process very exhausting. You're put under pressure from the beginning and people will tell you you will struggle to get a well paid job after graduation. I really can't stand it. In the past you could get jobs straight out of university without all this crap of needing “experience” for entry level jobs. At least the internships in my field tend to be paid but they're super competitive. It just makes me want to escape to a world where we don't have to struggle. The way it is is dystopian to say the least.

I'm currently in university and looking for internships and I find this whole process very exhausting. You're put under pressure from the beginning and people will tell you you will struggle to get a well paid job after graduation. I really can't stand it. In the past you could get jobs straight out of university without all this crap of needing “experience” for entry level jobs. At least the internships in my field tend to be paid but they're super competitive. It just makes me want to escape to a world where we don't have to struggle. The way it is is dystopian to say the least.

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