
Are old workers who don’t have kids, doomed?

I’m baby sitting my mom’s house while she’s on vacation. There’s a old couple that is renting the basement. I don’t know much about them except they’ve been living there for over 15 years. But yeah, I’m starting to get to know them. They don’t have any kids, and most of their family members are in other countries. The old guy is losing it? Or maybe he’s insane. Or maybe this is the destiny of men who will be a slave worker for 40-50 years and don’t have any legacy to pass on to. So this guy (on his off days) will occasionally walk up to the kitchen and have this coffee for the 100th time. And then will get distracted by one of my mom’s cats. Then proceeds to call my mom’s cat’s name over and over again. This can go on for 2hrs. Add in a couple of…

I’m baby sitting my mom’s house while she’s on vacation. There’s a old couple that is renting the basement. I don’t know much about them except they’ve been living there for over 15 years.

But yeah, I’m starting to get to know them. They don’t have any kids, and most of their family members are in other countries.

The old guy is losing it? Or maybe he’s insane. Or maybe this is the destiny of men who will be a slave worker for 40-50 years and don’t have any legacy to pass on to.

So this guy (on his off days) will occasionally walk up to the kitchen and have this coffee for the 100th time. And then will get distracted by one of my mom’s cats. Then proceeds to call my mom’s cat’s name over and over again. This can go on for 2hrs. Add in a couple of “mmmm”, “aaaahhh”,…you know, the typical baby talk.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result. The definition of insanity is also repetition.

If a toddler was doing this, it would be different. But this is an old man that has been a yes-man for 40-50 years and have no kids.

I gotta wear headphones every time he does this shit or I’ll lose my shit lol.

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