
Are return to work mandates just another way for stealth layoffs

Let me start by saying I do not work remotely and am currently trying to become a better programmer to help me eventually reach that “work life balance ” that remotely work promises. Now I understand this is “antiwork”, but from the posts I'm reading,looks like companies have decided to embrace the end of remote work. My question is, is this just a tactic to avoid getting rid of employees through layoffs and forcing them out by forcing a decision that massively affects thier day to day and isn't in thier favor. TLDR: Are companies stopping remote work provisions to avoid layoffs and instead force resignations by effectively making workers life harder.

Let me start by saying I do not work remotely and am currently trying to become a better programmer to help me eventually reach that “work life balance ” that remotely work promises.
Now I understand this is “antiwork”, but from the posts I'm reading,looks like companies have decided to embrace the end of remote work. My question is, is this just a tactic to avoid getting rid of employees through layoffs and forcing them out by forcing a decision that massively affects thier day to day and isn't in thier favor.

Are companies stopping remote work provisions to avoid layoffs and instead force resignations by effectively making workers life harder.

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