
Are there any books about toxic workplaces worth a deep dive for ousting your work place?

Hi. I work at a very difficult workplace where people are bullied into silence and HR is all about keeping up that status quo. Are there any really really good books out there on just how to tackle such a workplace environment? I mean, learning the language they use against them, extremely formal and highly technical, to bring it up in a meeting and sound informed and not just a dumbass with complaints?? Far too many “leaders” have gotten away with anything and everything, while they just push us low wage workers further down and blame us for the mistakes they themselves caused.

Hi. I work at a very difficult workplace where people are bullied into silence and HR is all about keeping up that status quo. Are there any really really good books out there on just how to tackle such a workplace environment? I mean, learning the language they use against them, extremely formal and highly technical, to bring it up in a meeting and sound informed and not just a dumbass with complaints?? Far too many “leaders” have gotten away with anything and everything, while they just push us low wage workers further down and blame us for the mistakes they themselves caused.

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