
Are there any organizations or groups working to prepare for automation?

Automation could put hundreds of millions of people out of work. The common wisdom is that it will create just as many jobs as it replaces, in fields that we can't even imagine yet. I don't believe that. And I don't think that we're prepared for hundreds of millions of people to lose their jobs. We don't have systems in place to take care of those people and their needs. I'm scared that when/if this happens, society will try to ban automation and preserve those jobs. Essentially creating “busy work” for people. I would rather embrace automation and garuntee access to housing, healthcare, education and utilities. Give people the freedom to pursue their interests and choose whether or not they want to have a job. Are there any groups or organizations that share this vision of the future and are actively working to make it a reality? Ideally by pushing…

Automation could put hundreds of millions of people out of work.

The common wisdom is that it will create just as many jobs as it replaces, in fields that we can't even imagine yet.

I don't believe that. And I don't think that we're prepared for hundreds of millions of people to lose their jobs. We don't have systems in place to take care of those people and their needs.

I'm scared that when/if this happens, society will try to ban automation and preserve those jobs. Essentially creating “busy work” for people.

I would rather embrace automation and garuntee access to housing, healthcare, education and utilities. Give people the freedom to pursue their interests and choose whether or not they want to have a job.

Are there any groups or organizations that share this vision of the future and are actively working to make it a reality?

Ideally by pushing legislation through congress and public advocacy?

This is something that I'm worried about and I want to find a way to get involved and put my energy towards something productive.

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