
Ariel is…lit? Ariel is the highest paid character at the Fantasmic show at Disneyland but it's because if she were to get lit on fire by the fireworks she couldn't escape in time. Fellow cast members throw a flame retardant cape and falcon hood over her and then skip town. However much that hazard pay is, I doubt it's high enough. Never heard of a rich cast member 🤔 at Disneyland.

Ariel is the highest paid character at the Fantasmic show at Disneyland but it's because if she were to get lit on fire by the fireworks she couldn't escape in time. Fellow cast members throw a flame retardant cape and falcon hood over her and then skip town. However much that hazard pay is, I doubt it's high enough. Never heard of a rich cast member 🤔 at Disneyland.

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