
Around 500,000 people went out on strike in London yesterday. That’s not enough.

In 2003, 1 million of the British public went out on protest against Afghanistan and the potential we would go to war in Iraq. That clearly wasn't enough because we went to war in Iraq didn't we. Even when we all knew it was not a just war. Unfortunately, most of the British population is stuck under the illusion, that is that governments care about our opinion. When really that only matters around election years. What we need is a general strike. We need the entire country and economy to come to a halt. Of course, that's illegal thanks to the 1982 reform act, where “sympathy strikes” became illegal. I'm a young guy. I have studied history. Specifically that of Trade unions and authoritarian governments. without a general strike, I feel things may only get worse. For this reason, when my degree is over, I hope to leave this country.…

In 2003, 1 million of the British public went out on protest against Afghanistan and the potential we would go to war in Iraq. That clearly wasn't enough because we went to war in Iraq didn't we. Even when we all knew it was not a just war.

Unfortunately, most of the British population is stuck under the illusion, that is that governments care about our opinion. When really that only matters around election years.

What we need is a general strike. We need the entire country and economy to come to a halt. Of course, that's illegal thanks to the 1982 reform act, where “sympathy strikes” became illegal.

I'm a young guy. I have studied history. Specifically that of Trade unions and authoritarian governments. without a general strike, I feel things may only get worse. For this reason, when my degree is over, I hope to leave this country. I fear for what it could become.

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