
Artificial job scarcity/wage depression.

I have a theory that I feel a lot of people will agree with. My theory is that the current job market/help wanted ads are a ploy by large corporations to dupe Americans into thinking people don’t want to work and blaming out of work people for their situation. This shakes out great for those companies because they dodge all responsibility when wages come down due to job scarcity. In essence, Lay off a large portion of workers. Operate at same capacity with less workers, driving down operation costs. Throw help wanted signs all over the place while also not hiring to trick the boomers into thinking it’s the workers fault. Get away scot free while making record profits in every industry due to price increases and reduced operating costs. Fuck over the average person who has to actually deal with all of this inflation caused by this plan. A…

I have a theory that I feel a lot of people will agree with. My theory is that the current job market/help wanted ads are a ploy by large corporations to dupe Americans into thinking people don’t want to work and blaming out of work people for their situation. This shakes out great for those companies because they dodge all responsibility when wages come down due to job scarcity.

In essence,

  1. Lay off a large portion of workers.
  2. Operate at same capacity with less workers, driving down operation costs.
  3. Throw help wanted signs all over the place while also not hiring to trick the boomers into thinking it’s the workers fault.
  4. Get away scot free while making record profits in every industry due to price increases and reduced operating costs.
  5. Fuck over the average person who has to actually deal with all of this inflation caused by this plan.

A couple of anecdotes that may strengthen my case: Family Dollar, a large chain of budget stores has help wanted signs up. My brother and I small talked with the manager. According to her, the hours she’s allowed to give out each week have been cut from 100 to 75. She makes up the difference in labor as she is salary. My second anecdote is I’ve submitted over 200 indeed applications over the last 2 months. I’ve managed to schedule 10 interviews out of all of that. And these aren’t degree jobs or high experience manual labor. These are fast food, basic warehouse, and customer service jobs. Thanks for semi rant.

TLDR: I believe there’s a country-wide “conspiracy” by companies to increase prices while also driving down worker wages.

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