
As a bus driver, I believe a certain passenger is a serious threat to me and other women riders- company still wants me to let him ride.

Link to my momforaminute post goinging into more detail here-> In short, this passenger began screaming at me about how women needed to pay for what they did- that god would make them pay. He talked about a woman getting her head cut off. He eventually started screaming that he was “full Taliban” in regards to how he views women. We were alone on the bus in the middle of nowhere and I took the best course of action in not escalating him to violence before dropping him off in a small city. I have written a statement that states I do not wish for this passenger to ride my bus. They're solution was that I don't talk to him and to move me to more populated routes, but he had stated in his rant that one of the crimes women commit against him are not talking to him.…

Link to my momforaminute post goinging into more detail here->

In short, this passenger began screaming at me about how women needed to pay for what they did- that god would make them pay. He talked about a woman getting her head cut off. He eventually started screaming that he was “full Taliban” in regards to how he views women.
We were alone on the bus in the middle of nowhere and I took the best course of action in not escalating him to violence before dropping him off in a small city.

I have written a statement that states I do not wish for this passenger to ride my bus. They're solution was that I don't talk to him and to move me to more populated routes, but he had stated in his rant that one of the crimes women commit against him are not talking to him. He also travels between counties and hangs in the city off and on when he wants a hotel room to get out of the weather. These are not solutions. This passenger has fixated on me.

Company policy states that as the driver, it is my disgression and my responsibility to determine whether a passenger is a threat or not and I very much believe he is. I can deny service based on this alone, but my company is not standing by their own policy this time.

He is not riding my bus. I may be disposable to the company, but I'm not disposable to my household. I have seen and been in a lot of situations as a driver, and I know this person is dangerous.

I would like to here from you guys- especially if you are also drivers like me.

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