
Asked for help to kms because I’m sick and tired of capitalism

The ''professional'' lady just said : ''You seem scared to accept new challenges that life has to offer you…'' stopped the convo here with : human stupidity, another beautiful phrase from a brainwashed workaholic // BITCH I've just got back to work for this huge worldwide company (New Challenge), accepted to start a formation to become the leader(New Challenge). I've got a whole list of a new challenges. Some guy wrote this here and this is the realest shit I've read here : ''I actually have 0 debt, am not a teenager, starting a business, have a manager position. Just because I care about people working 80 hours a week and barely making ends meet doesn't mean I'm a lazy, no good, jealous of rich people person. There is a fat difference between a CEO milliare paying his people fair and a billionare destroying the wages of average people. Having…

The ''professional'' lady just said :

''You seem scared to accept new challenges that life has to offer you…''

stopped the convo here with :
human stupidity, another beautiful phrase from a brainwashed workaholic

// BITCH I've just got back to work for this huge worldwide company (New Challenge), accepted to start a formation to become the leader(New Challenge). I've got a whole list of a new challenges.

Some guy wrote this here and this is the realest shit I've read here :

''I actually have 0 debt, am not a teenager, starting a business, have a manager position. Just because I care about people working 80 hours a week and barely making ends meet doesn't mean I'm a lazy, no good, jealous of rich people person. There is a fat difference between a CEO milliare paying his people fair and a billionare destroying the wages of average people. Having human empathy and wanting a better place for everyone isnt a human flaw. And the fact that this statement alone is making ppl sterotype me as some lazy no good is sign that yall make poverty a character flaw and truly think youre untouchable.''

Long story short, we need to, as a worldwide community, reverse this mess. I'm tired of this hypocrite workaholic nation.

Fun fact the lady working on his chair in front of her screen for a 4k/month.
Why am I helping you drop food on your table for 2k/month and you can't even help me ????

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