
ASM doesn’t “accept” callouts

My boyfriend works for the same company that I used to work for. This morning after he gets ready for work, he lays down to say goodbye to me and I notice he is burning up, and shortly after he vomits. He calls in to his work, to be told by his assistant store manager that he needs to call the general manager because she “doesn’t accept call outs”. What type of bs is that? When I used to work for this company, I was never given that problem, in fact the same ASM would say “alright baby, you stay home and feel better” when I would call out. She is the scatter brained ex-waitress type, who honestly gets way too stressed over simple things. She is not management material but she was working more than anyone else which is why she was even considered for management. Has anybody ever…

My boyfriend works for the same company that I used to work for. This morning after he gets ready for work, he lays down to say goodbye to me and I notice he is burning up, and shortly after he vomits. He calls in to his work, to be told by his assistant store manager that he needs to call the general manager because she “doesn’t accept call outs”. What type of bs is that? When I used to work for this company, I was never given that problem, in fact the same ASM would say “alright baby, you stay home and feel better” when I would call out. She is the scatter brained ex-waitress type, who honestly gets way too stressed over simple things. She is not management material but she was working more than anyone else which is why she was even considered for management.

Has anybody ever been told that their management “doesn’t accept call outs”?

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