
Assaulted at work today 1/18/23 told to take it like a man…

This is the second occurrence with the same coworker(Michael) in three years. The first instance amounted to an invitation from Michael to meet him in the parking lot at 4:00 pm to settle an argument. Nothing happened that day. However, I brought it to management’s attention and the threat was simply dismissed with a reply of, “no fighting on company grounds…” The second instance occurred today; where Michael laid his hands on me and shoved me into the side of an operating die cast machine. Again, I brought it to management’s attention and was met with the response, “ take it like a man and deal with it on your own. You and Michael need to work your shit out on your own…” Studies have shown that workplace violence tends to escalate and sure as shit I am a statistic. 1st incident: “…no fighting on company grounds.” 2nd incident: Michael…

This is the second occurrence with the same coworker(Michael) in three years. The first instance amounted to an invitation from Michael to meet him in the parking lot at 4:00 pm to settle an argument.
Nothing happened that day.
However, I brought it to management’s attention and the threat was simply dismissed with a reply of, “no fighting on company grounds…”
The second instance occurred today; where Michael laid his hands on me and shoved me into the side of an operating die cast machine.
Again, I brought it to management’s attention and was met with the response, “ take it like a man and deal with it on your own. You and Michael need to work your shit out on your own…”

Studies have shown that workplace violence tends to escalate and sure as shit I am a statistic.

1st incident: “…no fighting on company grounds.”

2nd incident: Michael wrongly put his hands on you; however, take it like a man and figure it out between you two.

I do not know how I have come to be reliant on this exploiter… I mean (employer), they do not care about the abuse that is taking place in the workplace that they provide and are responsible for, nor do they recognize the multitude of complaints made to hr about the same problem employee.

thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I just want someone to talk to, if only to reaffirm that I’m not the crazy one who’s considering filing a complaint in the matter.

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