
At a job that I absolutely love, and I have a gripe about anti-work people I’ve spoken to…

… I wish there were just a couple more posts on how to be an ally if you support anti-work, but you still enjoy what you do. I work with people I adore and have been around for years and years, and we all feel basically the same about “anti-work” and a lot of other progressive work groups. We want to show as much support as we can, while still respecting the fact that although we don’t have the same work experiences, we understand and empathize with the cause. We can all understand… we don’t have to agree, but we can understand.

… I wish there were just a couple more posts on how to be an ally if you support anti-work, but you still enjoy what you do. I work with people I adore and have been around for years and years, and we all feel basically the same about “anti-work” and a lot of other progressive work groups. We want to show as much support as we can, while still respecting the fact that although we don’t have the same work experiences, we understand and empathize with the cause. We can all understand… we don’t have to agree, but we can understand.

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