
At my wits end and I don’t know what to do..

I’m over my job.. I’m an accountant for a small corporation that’s riddled with nepotism and favoritism.. I’m doing the work that two or even three people should be doing based off how big we are/ how many employees and locations we have and I’m not getting paid enough to pay my bills.. I also can’t stand working/ sitting in front of a computer all day.. I’d love to be able to work for myself/ do my art, I’m too exhausted from looking at hundreds of invoices a day do to anything creative after work. My rent just went up and water bill just went up, natural gas prices just doubled. I’ve lived without a microwave for two years because I enjoy cooking, now I have to get a microwave because I can’t afford to cook, my bill has jumped $60 and the month isn’t even over. I don’t know…

I’m over my job.. I’m an accountant for a small corporation that’s riddled with nepotism and favoritism.. I’m doing the work that two or even three people should be doing based off how big we are/ how many employees and locations we have and I’m not getting paid enough to pay my bills.. I also can’t stand working/ sitting in front of a computer all day.. I’d love to be able to work for myself/ do my art, I’m too exhausted from looking at hundreds of invoices a day do to anything creative after work. My rent just went up and water bill just went up, natural gas prices just doubled. I’ve lived without a microwave for two years because I enjoy cooking, now I have to get a microwave because I can’t afford to cook, my bill has jumped $60 and the month isn’t even over. I don’t know what to do anymore, I can’t afford to go to school (to get a better job) and pay my bills, I don’t have family or friends to stay with. I’ve been selling my collectibles and furniture to stay afloat.. looking into moving to another city or possibly even another state.. I’m so unhappy, I feel like such a loser.. I don’t know what to do anymore..

Sorry for my incoherent rambling.. I’m just laying here dreading tomorrow..

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