I worked a 6 month internship as a product designer at a very popular fashion and home goods retailer in my city. It’s basically the only design company in my city, but it employs about 25k people, and anyone who does anything creative in this area currently or formerly works here.
In my time there, I single handedly designed 200 products, 90% of which are slated for production and will reach shelves later this year. Tables, sofas, chairs, accessories, toys, etc. I worked over time frequently. My team and adjacent teams loved my work but didn’t really care much for me, as I apparently did not fit the “image” of the brand. I heard some particularly mean/ignorant comments about me, my looks, and my medical condition from team members. I only made $15 an hour but outworked half of my team, most of whom arrived late, left early, casually skipped meetings, etc. I didn’t really care what they did, but it blows my mind how they are tenured when they never seemed to work hard. They frequently gave me their work to do while they chilled in the cafeteria or walked their dogs or smoke pot. Whatever. I was content. They can do what they want, I was happy to just make some money.
The team decided not to place me. I’ve fought hard to make connections and make contact with recruiters, and so far in four months since my internship ended I’ve had two interviews, both for more temp roles, both paying less than $20 an hour. After several interviews, BOTH opportunities went “poof” because the teams suddenly didn’t have it in the budget to take on someone new.
I feel used and under appreciated. I’m tired of going back to square one. I worked so freaking hard and did great work that higher ups loved. I have a solid portfolio that I can’t use to apply to any other company until my products reach shelves. All around me I saw people who didn’t do any work all day, often. I want to be just one of the many, but I can’t break in no matter how hard I try.