
Um.. anyway, that’s billboard is important.


“Historically…” – Howard Zinn [960 X 948]


Are you unemployed due to the impact of the new crown epidemic?

My name is Ariel and I'm from London I recently signed a part-time contract with Help merchants increase product sales, and get commissions for completing corresponding tasks If you are interested, I can teach you for free, We are expecting a reply! (^_-)


Due sick pay that hasn’t been processed for 3 months, am I in the right for feeling like this?

I work as a delivery driver for a supermarket (UK) and the pay is already the worst amongst the competitors. I've stayed there because I enjoy the schedule as its set days every week, but at the end of November and start of December I had 2 weeks off with my mental health. Had doctors notes and gave them to work, read the policy and I should be getting ssp and csp (statutory sick pay and company sick pay) which should be my full amount of pay. Just got paid today and it still has not been done, after countless conversations with managers and them telling me different excuses and that the system had been down, I assumed this month was finally when I would be paid as I gave them everything they asked for. I suffer with anxiety so ringing up and complaining is terrifying to me, but this…


Thoughts on this shift schedule?

So I have a chance to be hired at a biomass production company that offers a swing shift schedule of 8am to 8pm(morning shift) and 8pm to 8am(night shift), 12 hours a shift, alternating as such: 2 morning shifts, 24hours free, 2 night shifts and 4 days off work. 4 days working, 4 days free. If the pay wasn't good, I wouldn't consider it, but they are considered the best in my area in that department and in overall care and respect for their employees aswell, plus offering different kinds of benefits. I was wondering if anyone here has endured this kind of schedule and could offer some insights on the health and sleep ramifications that may occur from 2 night shifts every 6 days. Much appreciated!


They always told us if we didn’t like it, we could go somewhere else.

I entered the work force at 18 years old in 2012 and it's been a nonstop nightmare ever since. I was being taken advantage of as a minimum wage hostess at Cracker Barrel and walked out on a bad day. The cycle continued at Steak n Shake as a server and Firehouse Subs. The cycle continued again at Applebee's and Belk. I didn't get my first big girl job until ProctorU and I was so in love with my work. I took pride in it, enjoyed being there, and desperately wanted to grow within the company. Then they made all of us take personality tests and said that my assigned color, blue, was too abundant in my dream position. It broke my heart and shattered any will I had to keep working there knowing that they would never put me where I wanted to be in the company. I went…


I got a good one for you guys.

I had an employee walk out mid shift on me. He wasn’t an awesome employee or even a good employee but I really like him as a person. I made the mistake of hiring 3 of his friends and when he left 2 others left with him. They were only with me a week or two. They all left for higher paying jobs, which I will never fault anyone for and I will never try to hold anyone back. I knew that the original employee was looking and was in the hiring process but he took back his 2 week notice and told me that the position fell through. No big deal. I have plenty of hours to go around. Fast forward a week and he walked. Now because I knew him as a human and I knew his lifestyle I had a feeling that the new higher paying job…


Happy New World Order


Company emailed me with our half year results, worked all the way through COVID. 1.5M for shareholders, and our reward is 10% discount instead of 5% when we buy stuff FROM THEM.


as a kid starting to grasp the concept of how money flows in a company i wondered “what do ceo’s even do to get so much more money than the employees” and since i couldn’t think of anything i just assumed it was something i was too young to figure out

turns out there was nothing to figure out all along