
Average Work Enviornment In Middle East

I don't want to say where I live exactly but I live in the Middle East. The work enviornment here is so shitty compared to America. My job pays me cash by hand (it's illegal here too), they lie to the government saying I work at a different place for shorter hours so they don't have to pay tax and that also delays my retirement and takes away my benefits. Most of the jobs here do this. It doesn't matter how modern the place looks or feels. We have shitty economy too so I get it somewhat I guess, but we are fucked over daily. It doesn't matter one bit that you went to university you will be paid minimum wage if you're not the boss. It doesn't matter how many years you worked, how loyal you are. I have cousins who worked more than 10 years at a place…

I don't want to say where I live exactly but I live in the Middle East. The work enviornment here is so shitty compared to America.

My job pays me cash by hand (it's illegal here too), they lie to the government saying I work at a different place for shorter hours so they don't have to pay tax and that also delays my retirement and takes away my benefits. Most of the jobs here do this. It doesn't matter how modern the place looks or feels. We have shitty economy too so I get it somewhat I guess, but we are fucked over daily.

It doesn't matter one bit that you went to university you will be paid minimum wage if you're not the boss. It doesn't matter how many years you worked, how loyal you are. I have cousins who worked more than 10 years at a place and still getting minimum wage, it doesn't matter if they ask to get higher pay.

Our minimum wage is only 300 dollars a month. We are dependent on dollars since we buy everything from overseas. And imagine what 300 dollars a month can get you…

Now I'm lucky since I live with my parents (It's also not frowned upon in our culture.) But most people have kids to feed and rent to pay. Every person who rents I know either lives with 5 other people or takes loans from the bank.

My sister worked for over 15 years and she only has 6000 dollars saved in her savings account. This makes me not work at all.

Our future is bleak… I don't want to work and just leach off of my parents until they die and I can take over their house. It's so sad that this is my dream…

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