
Avoiding the zombification I see in older co-workers

Hi everyone, many posts here discuss the importance of WLB and managing boundaries between work and home life. I’m in my early 20s, have been in a cushy office job for some time now via internship in college converted to full time role that I’ve been at for about 3 years. It actually hasn’t been a nightmare, occasional long days and stress but I enjoy spending time with coworkers my age, feel like I’m learning a lot, getting paid nicely (albeit still underpaid IMO) and otherwise am progressing well. The only problem occurs when I’m dealing with managers, executives, and other leaders around the firm who seem to have dedicated their lives to work. Consistent sacrifices of anything from time to family to health to all of the above and frankly, that isn’t for me. I have a rich life of hobbies, outside passions, and a wonderful friend group and…

Hi everyone, many posts here discuss the importance of WLB and managing boundaries between work and home life. I’m in my early 20s, have been in a cushy office job for some time now via internship in college converted to full time role that I’ve been at for about 3 years. It actually hasn’t been a nightmare, occasional long days and stress but I enjoy spending time with coworkers my age, feel like I’m learning a lot, getting paid nicely (albeit still underpaid IMO) and otherwise am progressing well.

The only problem occurs when I’m dealing with managers, executives, and other leaders around the firm who seem to have dedicated their lives to work. Consistent sacrifices of anything from time to family to health to all of the above and frankly, that isn’t for me. I have a rich life of hobbies, outside passions, and a wonderful friend group and support system and I’m not about to take a heavy step back from any of them in the name of upward progression.

I’ve shared this fear with my one older colleague whom I trust immensely and they assure me that it won’t happen and that they are an example of that but for every case I see where it doesn’t happen, I have ten+ zombie managers that may as well have “property of XYZ Company” written on their foreheads.

What tips and tricks do you have to maintain this separation while still being committed to a job you enjoy? TIA.

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