
Bank withholding my check a ridiculous amount of time -vent

I got paid on Friday, ofc my shit hole of a workplace doesn't do direct deposit so I drive a half hour to my workplace on my day off to pick up my check. Randomly the bank has been holding my checks for an extra day, and this week it was a holiday weekend so they held it an extra day. But its Tuesday and STILL my fucking check is not in my bank account. I call and they tell me “Oh maybe tomorrow.” MAYBE TOMORROW????? Okay so …. i have to show up to work on time, even on the “holiday weekend” and work 10 hour shifts. I have to pick up my own checks and waste the gas and time to do so, and I have to fucking wait half a week for my check to deposit? WHY? I dont want to have to drive all the way…

I got paid on Friday, ofc my shit hole of a workplace doesn't do direct deposit so I drive a half hour to my workplace on my day off to pick up my check.

Randomly the bank has been holding my checks for an extra day, and this week it was a holiday weekend so they held it an extra day. But its Tuesday and STILL my fucking check is not in my bank account. I call and they tell me “Oh maybe tomorrow.”


Okay so …. i have to show up to work on time, even on the “holiday weekend” and work 10 hour shifts. I have to pick up my own checks and waste the gas and time to do so, and I have to fucking wait half a week for my check to deposit? WHY? I dont want to have to drive all the way to the bank to deposit it. That's what the mobile service is for. Why tf does my employer not have direct deposit?!?!

This shit should be illegal. I'm lucky to not have kids or bills I'm behind on. This could literally ruin someone's life. I can barely afford the gas to drive to work tomorrow, give me my fucking money!

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