
Bathroom rant

Everyone has their reason about going to the office or working from home. In the office there is never a time to take a crap in peace. At home I can shit when I want and as often I want. In the office I need to plan every pooping trip. There is no privacy at all. Each time I go in the bathroom there is always someone there or someone walking in immediately after me. I just want to sit and shit in peace and not think about someone else being in the same room.

Everyone has their reason about going to the office or working from home. In the office there is never a time to take a crap in peace. At home I can shit when I want and as often I want. In the office I need to plan every pooping trip. There is no privacy at all. Each time I go in the bathroom there is always someone there or someone walking in immediately after me. I just want to sit and shit in peace and not think about someone else being in the same room.

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