
Became homeless recently. Finally realized that social mobility isn’t real.

I became homeless earlier this month, and have had a tough time trying to find full time work. I'm at the point where I'm willing to tolerate working for $10/hr full-time, which is almost nothing here in Northeast Indiana. I've yet to find a job, but I'm still not losing hope completely. However, something just clicked within me for the worse; that social mobility as has been discussed to me and many other pupils like me throughout school has been a complete farce. People are either allowed the freedom of social mobility by higher members of society, or they are not. It's almost as if I need permission from the middle/upper class just to be allowed some level of comfort in the material world. The power structure of society has been organized such that the upper classes and upper echelon of society have the authority to pick and choose which…

I became homeless earlier this month, and have had a tough time trying to find full time work. I'm at the point where I'm willing to tolerate working for $10/hr full-time, which is almost nothing here in Northeast Indiana. I've yet to find a job, but I'm still not losing hope completely. However, something just clicked within me for the worse; that social mobility as has been discussed to me and many other pupils like me throughout school has been a complete farce. People are either allowed the freedom of social mobility by higher members of society, or they are not. It's almost as if I need permission from the middle/upper class just to be allowed some level of comfort in the material world. The power structure of society has been organized such that the upper classes and upper echelon of society have the authority to pick and choose which of those lower members of society will either rise in rank, stagnate, or go down in rank. I'm almost willing to do blackmail worthy things just for the ability to move up in society. I am at this point willing to do things which are unspeakable, disgusting, and downright illegal, even in front of a camera, just to move up in this world. It seems that blackmail makes this world go round, and there's nothing I can do to change that. Am I over-exaggerating? I am not wise enough to know. But I can't continue living like this.

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