
Been given the job/pay as a Receptionist but I mostly work as a Tutor

Hello everyone I hope you that you all are doing well! I am posting to this community today because I’m a bit at a loss for what to do and I would love some advice. My SO and I have recently started working at a private tutoring company that helps tutor kids after hours. He started working a bit before I did and he was the one that got me the interview wife a tutoring job. I went in and they interviewed me and they didn’t once talk about pay, I know I should have brought it up but I assumed I was going to be paid the same that the other tutors do (15hr). When I went into training they were giving me a rundown on tutoring and being at the front desk and I didn’t complain. I told them I’d do what they needed me too and so…

Hello everyone I hope you that you all are doing well! I am posting to this community today because I’m a bit at a loss for what to do and I would love some advice.

My SO and I have recently started working at a private tutoring company that helps tutor kids after hours. He started working a bit before I did and he was the one that got me the interview wife a tutoring job.

I went in and they interviewed me and they didn’t once talk about pay, I know I should have brought it up but I assumed I was going to be paid the same that the other tutors do (15hr). When I went into training they were giving me a rundown on tutoring and being at the front desk and I didn’t complain. I told them I’d do what they needed me too and so that landed me in a position in-between a receptionist and tutor.

After working for about a week doing the receptionist work and tutoring I asked them for a confirmation on pay and about my papers. The director said she would probably pay me like I was half a receptionist and half tutor which would come out to about $13.50hr. When the director handed me my papers she said “oops sorry it’s going to be this instead” and it said I was hired on as a receptionist and that pay is $12hr.

I’ve been working here for about three and a half weeks and I’ve already noticed a ton of issues with the business. People getting paid less for their work, lights and fire alarms broken, paperwork with sensitive info used as scrap paper, and not even to mention the fact that I’ve been working for them this long and haven’t even had a background check or social security taken. If I was a parent I would be so upset.

Safe to say the director pockets all the money and it goes to herself. Not into the tutors or the kids. I don’t want her to run over me and take this because I’ve done that too much and I’m in the negative already financially. I need to get paid as much as I’m working for what I’m doing.

The other tutors do have Bachelors degrees so I understand why their pay would be greater as I only have about 54.00 credits toward my degree. But they shouldn’t be putting me on 1 on 1 tutoring sessions with kids (some with learning disabilities as well) if I’m not going to be paid or labeled as a “tutor”

Long story short I haven’t signed off on the papers that say I accept the role or pay but I’m not sure where to go. Should I demand the tutor role or possibly seek something legal out of this? Thank you everyone!

I stay in the US in North Carolina if that helps anyone 🙂

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