
Been out sick dealing with an especially bad Epstein Barr flare up and very possibly lymphoma. Coworker saw me out with family over the weekend and told my boss I was out partying with a group of people.

Then come to today, we find out we have covid AGAIN. Fiancé tested positive and mine was invalid. It’s been one thing after another. My boss who is always “fake nice” was talking to me first thing this morning about the usual stuff: “get a drs note” “sorry you don’t feel good” etc… then all the sudden it turned into “I heard you were out drinking with a group of people after calling in sick all week.” I finally felt somewhat good for the first time in nearly two weeks. I was dying to get out of the house so I went to a local event with my family. Ran into a coworker, who I thought I had kinda become friends with(this person is always putting on airs and I’ve gathered is pretty pretentious), we said hi and exchanged pleasantries. It was fine. Turns out my “buddy” decided this was…

Then come to today, we find out we have covid AGAIN. Fiancé tested positive and mine was invalid. It’s been one thing after another.

My boss who is always “fake nice” was talking to me first thing this morning about the usual stuff: “get a drs note” “sorry you don’t feel good” etc… then all the sudden it turned into “I heard you were out drinking with a group of people after calling in sick all week.”

I finally felt somewhat good for the first time in nearly two weeks. I was dying to get out of the house so I went to a local event with my family. Ran into a coworker, who I thought I had kinda become friends with(this person is always putting on airs and I’ve gathered is pretty pretentious), we said hi and exchanged pleasantries. It was fine.

Turns out my “buddy” decided this was pertinent information for my boss and now I feel like I am going to be fired.

Now I’m here, sicker than I already was, feeling marginalized. I’ve done good work for that place and I thought I got along with everyone. It feels like they were just waiting for any reason to let me go. It did start slowing down and I am the newest employee. From the jump I felt like my job was kinda disposable, now I know I guess.

Fuck them all. I am so sick of fake corporate puppets and pretentious self congratulatory assholes. If they don’t fire me, I’m probably just going to quit. I can’t imagine going back to work closely with those people after all of this.

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