
Been unemployed for a month. Feels hopeless. (Vent)

I've (24M) been unemployed for a month now, and it feels so hopeless. I (along with nearly every other front desk staff member) quit my last job as an assistant manager of a spa because corporate was threatening us over quotas that were beyond our control. I thought I was putting my foot down and not allowing myself to be treated badly, but now I feel like I made a huge mistake. I've been applying to jobs for the last month and have been offered three interviews. THREE. After applying to dozens of open positions that I'm perfectly qualified for. I've been hearing that many companies are posting ghost listings to make it look like they're hiring when in reality they want to promote internally. I have completely open availability, I don't ask for workplace accommodations, and I've always thought I'm really good at interviews. I've applied for multiple positions…

I've (24M) been unemployed for a month now, and it feels so hopeless. I (along with nearly every other front desk staff member) quit my last job as an assistant manager of a spa because corporate was threatening us over quotas that were beyond our control. I thought I was putting my foot down and not allowing myself to be treated badly, but now I feel like I made a huge mistake. I've been applying to jobs for the last month and have been offered three interviews. THREE. After applying to dozens of open positions that I'm perfectly qualified for. I've been hearing that many companies are posting ghost listings to make it look like they're hiring when in reality they want to promote internally. I have completely open availability, I don't ask for workplace accommodations, and I've always thought I'm really good at interviews. I've applied for multiple positions that are essentially the exact same thing I have experience doing, without hearing a peep from employers – even when I follow up days after applying. I only have customer service experience, and I'm really good at it! But companies don't seem to think that customer service is a real skill that deserves to be paid adequately. Or even enough to live on.

What's more, the deck is already stacked against me. I'm disabled (can't stand for long periods of time, so any retail or restaurant job is out of the question), can't drive (also due to a disability, which means I can't work outside my city), and am visibly transgender. None of these are things I can change, or even hide. But they don't affect my ability to work – I did just fine at my last job, sitting at a desk. The only offer I've gotten is essentially in a law firm mail room, but because of their open hours, I wouldn't see my partner at all on weekdays. He works second shift, and I would be going to bed before he gets home and leaving before he can even think of waking up. I don't want this job. It even pays less than my last position. But I can't keep holding out for something better. The only silver lining is that I should get my tax refund before I have to pay next month's rent, but my savings will run out eventually. It feels hopeless to even think about trying to wait for something better to come along.

I don't know if I'm looking for advice. I don't think there's any advice that can even help me. Just wanted to commiserate.

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