
Been working for the same company for close to 4 years. Can’t get a few days off

I've been working for a small restaurant, less than 10 employees, since September 2019. There are so many things done here that I'm not sure are even legal but I was ok with most of the things back then since I actually enjoyed my job back then. Fast forward to current day I've been promoted to store manager being paid $3400 a month for salary and work 50 hours a week. I was allowed a week of PTO to go to my cousin's wedding in Boston back in October 2021. This is the first time I've ever been payed without working. Current day I've had a few stressful weeks back to back and my girlfriend suggested I take a week off to help myself get everything back together. I get told “No. Your next time you can get time off is October since that's when you last went and took…

I've been working for a small restaurant, less than 10 employees, since September 2019. There are so many things done here that I'm not sure are even legal but I was ok with most of the things back then since I actually enjoyed my job back then.

Fast forward to current day I've been promoted to store manager being paid $3400 a month for salary and work 50 hours a week. I was allowed a week of PTO to go to my cousin's wedding in Boston back in October 2021. This is the first time I've ever been payed without working.

Current day I've had a few stressful weeks back to back and my girlfriend suggested I take a week off to help myself get everything back together. I get told “No. Your next time you can get time off is October since that's when you last went and took a break”

How the hell does that even work??? Oh also when I got sick for 2 days I was expected to make up for those days that I missed the following week so I ended up working 10 days straight just so I could get payed the normal amount that I get payed every month.

I do plan on quitting pretty soon once I find another job but it's such a disappointment that after being with the same place for so long this is how they treat their long time employees.

EDIT: I don't intend to take any legal action against the place. The bosses have been pretty good to me in the past. Just that their lack of knowledge on work laws is now catching up to me and I'm tired of it.

My goal in this post was to mostly rant and find out how legal everything my bosses had me do was so that I could use in a personal argument against them when I quit

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