
BEFORE you sign a write up…

Say out loud (to HR and your manager) you’re only going to sign to “acknowledge”, but not to agree with the write up. I’m writing this post because I got written up today for the 2nd time in my career- 1st time at the current job. Write ups are very politically motivated and don’t have full basis in facts. Just because you’re being gaslighted in a conference room doesn’t mean you can’t talk back (even when HR tells you not to talk back). This is 2022. Don’t stay inside your shell. Your boss is required to have charisma and swagger in their jobs, and if they are writing you up, it’s most likely because they’re projecting their worst qualities onto you. Be skeptical of every word they say. If you’re under the age of 35, the world is literally your oyster right now, even if you didn’t go to college.…

Say out loud (to HR and your manager) you’re only going to sign to “acknowledge”, but not to agree with the write up.

I’m writing this post because I got written up today for the 2nd time in my career- 1st time at the current job.

Write ups are very politically motivated and don’t have full basis in facts. Just because you’re being gaslighted in a conference room doesn’t mean you can’t talk back (even when HR tells you not to talk back).

This is 2022. Don’t stay inside your shell. Your boss is required to have charisma and swagger in their jobs, and if they are writing you up, it’s most likely because they’re projecting their worst qualities onto you. Be skeptical of every word they say.

If you’re under the age of 35, the world is literally your oyster right now, even if you didn’t go to college. The internet is the biggest equalizer in human history. Don’t be complacent; learn about every option that’s available before you before you quit your job.

I dream of a future where we don’t have to endure Boomer aggression in the 2020s American workplace.

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