
Being at work is draining, but I don’t know where to go.

I’m a supervisor at a job that honestly has really bad management all around. I’m being mistreated by my coworkers and despite bringing up to HR no one has so much as contacted me. When I started this job, I really thought it was everything I could ask for. Good pay, good communication between my bosses and myself, a mix of clerical HR and other duties that seemed right up my alley- but everything has changed. My bosses are distant and never there, my coworkers never get things done and are constantly whinging that the tone of my emails aren’t “friendly enough “ (mind you the only way we communicate is by email, when did it become a crime to talk about the facts of the job and avoid making friendly conversation when you just can’t be bothered to?) and somehow I’m just really disheartened because it just seemed so…

I’m a supervisor at a job that honestly has really bad management all around. I’m being mistreated by my coworkers and despite bringing up to HR no one has so much as contacted me. When I started this job, I really thought it was everything I could ask for. Good pay, good communication between my bosses and myself, a mix of clerical HR and other duties that seemed right up my alley- but everything has changed. My bosses are distant and never there, my coworkers never get things done and are constantly whinging that the tone of my emails aren’t “friendly enough “ (mind you the only way we communicate is by email, when did it become a crime to talk about the facts of the job and avoid making friendly conversation when you just can’t be bothered to?) and somehow I’m just really disheartened because it just seemed so great at first. Now I’m stressed and tired and overworked- and this job pays for my medical expenses which is why I’m staying but I feel like it’s killing me. We fire people just because the manager doesn’t like them, we allow people to be mistreated just because someone else is in power. It all feels like a losing game and I hate working for a company that allows this… but I need the job. It’s just… where do I go from here?

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