
Being forced to buy presents for our patients at work

Just as the title reads, we keep being forced to spend OUR money on things that the company should be paying for. Last month, they hosted a Thanksgiving event FOR employees but we, as employees, were REQUIRED to sign up to bring food for the potluck lol. Now, we were told to pick two patients each and purchase a gift for them for Christmas. There is no money limit on it, but I still don’t think we should be responsible or obligated for something like that. I love my patients and was planning on buying them xmas gifts anyways but this obligated has left a bad taste in my mouth. Now, a coworker wants us all to pitch in $20 to buy our boss a gift. I am going to tell them that I’m sitting this one out. I’m so sick of being forced to spend my money when I’m…

Just as the title reads, we keep being forced to spend OUR money on things that the company should be paying for. Last month, they hosted a Thanksgiving event FOR employees but we, as employees, were REQUIRED to sign up to bring food for the potluck lol.

Now, we were told to pick two patients each and purchase a gift for them for Christmas. There is no money limit on it, but I still don’t think we should be responsible or obligated for something like that. I love my patients and was planning on buying them xmas gifts anyways but this obligated has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Now, a coworker wants us all to pitch in $20 to buy our boss a gift. I am going to tell them that I’m sitting this one out.

I’m so sick of being forced to spend my money when I’m struggling to stay afloat as is.

Is this not considered exploitation??? Can I report this to somebody?

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