
Being forced to have social media for work

So I choose not to have social media for personal reasons. Haven’t had it for almost 3 years now and I don’t plan on going back. However, I just started a new job after being laid off for a month, and my boss is basically forcing everyone to have a social media presence Being on social media causes me a LOT of stress mentally and emotionally, so it is something I choose to keep out of my life. Even having people ask me to be in their social media content causes me anxiety. I just don’t feel comfortable with it. I don’t like being online, I’m a very private person and I often have paranoia when it comes to putting my info out there for anyone to see. I especially do not want info on where I work or my personal life to be public knowledge I work at a…

So I choose not to have social media for personal reasons. Haven’t had it for almost 3 years now and I don’t plan on going back. However, I just started a new job after being laid off for a month, and my boss is basically forcing everyone to have a social media presence

Being on social media causes me a LOT of stress mentally and emotionally, so it is something I choose to keep out of my life. Even having people ask me to be in their social media content causes me anxiety. I just don’t feel comfortable with it. I don’t like being online, I’m a very private person and I often have paranoia when it comes to putting my info out there for anyone to see. I especially do not want info on where I work or my personal life to be public knowledge

I work at a restaurant as a prep cook. I’ve only been here 2 weeks. Yesterday, our boss straight up told all of “everyone needs to be promoting our restaurant on social media. If I don’t see you guys posting positive content online about us, I consider that as a sign that you do not want to be here.” Everyone seemed fine with it, some even excited (ew), as most people who use social media are already posting personal information constantly. Couple people kissed ass saying “oh I already posted stuff.” However, I was not okay with that. I felt embarrassed to be the only person against the idea, so I decided to contact my boss privately after work instead

I texted him this morning explaining how I don’t have social media and how I don’t think we as employees should be reprimanded for a personal choice. Having social media is not in my job requirement and I refuse to take part in something that causes me mental harm. He basically told me that I’m not being a team player and that he feels like I’m not excited about my job. He can’t understand why a “young woman like myself wouldn’t have social media.” Because apparently that’s not normal anymore and there’s something wrong with me for wanting to remove toxicity from my life

Why are people like this? I hate workplace politics so much. Why is it always a problem when someone just wants to work hard and then go home? Employers are always complaining about lazy workers but then this is what they place importance on. An employee who works hard and doesn’t cause drama? The horror, they have a free mind!! I can’t manipulate them now!!

I’m getting ready to find a new job, again

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