
Being guilted for calling out sick

Feel free to ignore just need to vent, hope thats okay. I work a job at a small family owned business. It's so small that we only have 6 workers including the owner. With that being so if one of us calls out it screws everyone. I never call out and will often push through days where I have a migraine or even gotten sick in the morning getting ready because I know they need me there. Well yesterday my stomach was doing flips and I had to hold back throwing up all morning 7am-12pm when I told them I didn't think I could stay the whole day they asked me if I could take a break and see if I feel well enough to finish the day. I agreed to try and after an hour break I was able to finish out the day. My boss, the owner, was…

Feel free to ignore just need to vent, hope thats okay. I work a job at a small family owned business. It's so small that we only have 6 workers including the owner. With that being so if one of us calls out it screws everyone. I never call out and will often push through days where I have a migraine or even gotten sick in the morning getting ready because I know they need me there. Well yesterday my stomach was doing flips and I had to hold back throwing up all morning 7am-12pm when I told them I didn't think I could stay the whole day they asked me if I could take a break and see if I feel well enough to finish the day. I agreed to try and after an hour break I was able to finish out the day. My boss, the owner, was asking me what was up and I told her I had started a new medicine 3 weeks ago and it can cause nausea. She told me I should talk to my Dr about anto nausea pills. Which on the surface seems caring but I know she really only cares about me being able to work. Cut to this morning I still wasn't feeling well so I called out and was told I can't call out due to a side affect from my meds. That I told them yesterday I felt like crap every morning (which isn't true just some mornings and usually goes away in an hour) and asked if I could come in later. I told them no and that I really wasn't feeling well. I was then asked what I planned on doing about being on this medication and that I can't call out every time I feel “crappy”. This is the first time I've called out because of this and the first time I've called out since I got covid last January (which I was also made to feel bad about). Im also not even 100% sure my meds are the cause because this is the worst ive felt in the 3 weeks. Like instead of thinking “this person never calls out and usually pushes through to be able to work they must really feel sick” I instead got “that's screwing us over and you need to suck it up and come in” it's infuriating that my job is so “important” but I make next to nothing and get guilted for being a human.

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