
Being judged for being antiwork but “well off”

I am very much antiwork like all of you in this group. But when I talk about leftist ideals of that I want more taxes and wealth should be distributed more equally with my leftist family or friends I kind of always get the same response. “but you have a high income, why don't you just donate all your savings?” “you have an apartment you rent out an profit off of, you have no right to complain” Yes, my partner and I both work in IT. We live in The Netherlands and have a decent income (just a bit above average) and tend to live decently frugally. Most of our stuff is secondhand because of the environment, we don't own a car and we budget when it comes to groceries. Our biggest expenses are our travels which where we don't stay in luxury accomodations and try to not spend too…

I am very much antiwork like all of you in this group. But when I talk about leftist ideals of that I want more taxes and wealth should be distributed more equally with my leftist family or friends I kind of always get the same response.
“but you have a high income, why don't you just donate all your savings?”
“you have an apartment you rent out an profit off of, you have no right to complain”

Yes, my partner and I both work in IT. We live in The Netherlands and have a decent income (just a bit above average) and tend to live decently frugally. Most of our stuff is secondhand because of the environment, we don't own a car and we budget when it comes to groceries. Our biggest expenses are our travels which where we don't stay in luxury accomodations and try to not spend too much.
The previous apartment we lived in we decided to keep (we managed to pay it off with our savings) and we our now renting it out below market rate through the city council to healthcare workers and teachers so that they don't leave our city because rent is too expensive. We obviously still profit off of it but not as much and I hope that our government would regulate rent more.

Have others had this problem when they talk about actual reform with their family/friends? At some point I just want to stop telling people about our finances but I find being open about finances important because it sparks conversation.
Like my opinion on rental reform doesn't matter because I still profit off it and then I should just offer my apartment to a homeless person is the response.
How do you deal with it?

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