
Being made to pay the government for some good ol’ work experience

So, I'm in uni. In my placement year. My uni told me at the start of last year that, due ti covid, placements were no longer mandatory for my course. Skip forward to April of this year and I get an email saying that the uni is concerned because they haven't heard anything from me regarding placement applications. Turns out they did a complete 180 and made placements mandatory again, only deciding to tell me once all the good, paid ones, wete gone. Skip forward to today, I had an interview for a shitty lobbying company in the middle of London who want to pay me nothing and expect me to work 40 hours a week, despite the fact that only less than 10 people work for the company, one of the people who interviewed me is leaving in like 3 months and the guy who wants to hire me,…

So, I'm in uni. In my placement year. My uni told me at the start of last year that, due ti covid, placements were no longer mandatory for my course.

Skip forward to April of this year and I get an email saying that the uni is concerned because they haven't heard anything from me regarding placement applications. Turns out they did a complete 180 and made placements mandatory again, only deciding to tell me once all the good, paid ones, wete gone.

Skip forward to today, I had an interview for a shitty lobbying company in the middle of London who want to pay me nothing and expect me to work 40 hours a week, despite the fact that only less than 10 people work for the company, one of the people who interviewed me is leaving in like 3 months and the guy who wants to hire me, only works 4 days a week. They want me to work more hours, unpaid, than the guy who's trying to hire me.

Because I can't find any paid work and my family doesn't earn enough to support me, I need to go to student finance and beg for more money because the funds they've given me isn't even enough to cover my rent. (I can't live with my family because they're abusive as hell).

All in all, the UK sucks and work is a scam.

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