
Being penalized for not working days I wasn’t scheduled

I work in the pathology dept of a hospital, and I am pregnant and due in August. I was spoken to today by my boss and HR and they are counting 2 holidays (New Years and MLK Day) against me for attendance even though I wasn't scheduled and was told by my direct supervisor they wouldn't need me. I was told the reason they are counting them is because I don't have enough PTO to cover them, but what does my PTO have to do with holidays? If its really an issue just dont pay me for the holidays I didn't work? I mention the pregnancy because I learned that another person is pregnant and due around the same time who is good friends with the department head. I was told if I miss one more day they will fire me. Has anyone else had holidays counted against them when…

I work in the pathology dept of a hospital, and I am pregnant and due in August.
I was spoken to today by my boss and HR and they are counting 2 holidays (New Years and MLK Day) against me for attendance even though I wasn't scheduled and was told by my direct supervisor they wouldn't need me.
I was told the reason they are counting them is because I don't have enough PTO to cover them, but what does my PTO have to do with holidays? If its really an issue just dont pay me for the holidays I didn't work?
I mention the pregnancy because I learned that another person is pregnant and due around the same time who is good friends with the department head.
I was told if I miss one more day they will fire me.
Has anyone else had holidays counted against them when they were told they were off?

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