
being poor is really not for the lazy…..

there was a post in here the other day that had this quote and boy, do i relate. i work 40 hours a week and sometimes i feel like i would SAVE money not going to work and i am so tired. i was on break at what is about to be my former job trying to buy some snacks and food for my dog (without checking my account first) then realized a bunch of bills had come out at one time. so i had to put some of the stuff back. went back to my desk and continued to play/watch ads on Klover for an hour for points towards a cash advance. but everyone knows payday loan apps usually end up costing more than its worth. then after asking some family that i have asked to borrow from before for gas money to get to an interview, (they couldn’t…

there was a post in here the other day that had this quote and boy, do i relate.
i work 40 hours a week and sometimes i feel like i would SAVE money not going to work and i am so tired.

i was on break at what is about to be my former job trying to buy some snacks and food for my dog (without checking my account first) then realized a bunch of bills had come out at one time. so i had to put some of the stuff back.

went back to my desk and continued to play/watch ads on Klover for an hour for points towards a cash advance. but everyone knows payday loan apps usually end up costing more than its worth.

then after asking some family that i have asked to borrow from before for gas money to get to an interview, (they couldn’t spare it, times are hard right now) someone told me about the mutual aid subreddit.
i posted in there maybe a little naive of me but strangers on the internet have been kind before.

i explained that i needed some gas money to get to an interview.
the top voted comment was “what interview? i thought you quit your job two days ago?”
someone had looked through my post history about me quitting my job soon and assumed i was lying. like??? i never said anything about quitting this week and i obviously can’t quit my job without another one to go to. way to boost my spirits.

anyway, i finally decided last night to text my mom for the money (there’s drama there so i don’t like to ask) and she sent it to me so yayyy i get to survive another day in our capitalist hellscape and at least a mean stranger on that subreddit pushed me to finally ask my mom to let me borrow some money.

i’m exhausted.

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