
Being respectful at work is deemed as weak and easy to manipulate.

I started my first ever job last year and would always show up on time and did whatever my manager wanted. Even worked through my unpaid breaks and worked extra unpaid hours. I always called my managers sirs and mam and never said no. After a few months I started noticing that most people at my job weren’t like me. They were confrontational and had no issue saying no, heck they even demanded things and they got them more or less. Work is morning like school. Being respectful and doing as your told doesn’t get you rewarded at all.

I started my first ever job last year and would always show up on time and did whatever my manager wanted. Even worked through my unpaid breaks and worked extra unpaid hours. I always called my managers sirs and mam and never said no. After a few months I started noticing that most people at my job weren’t like me. They were confrontational and had no issue saying no, heck they even demanded things and they got them more or less. Work is morning like school. Being respectful and doing as your told doesn’t get you rewarded at all.

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