
Being taken advantage of, or is it just a new program? Bad management? Should I quit?

I work as a medical case manager at an HIV clinic. It's a new program and I've been here about 2 months. There are two of us and a supervisor/and an aide. The case managers are stationed at one of two clinics and expected to respond to crisis as well (which wasn’t on the job description and i had to create the protocol because there was none). We work closely with a team of CHW – 2 CHW and their supervisor. The CHW do an acuity scale and then schedule the patient with the case manager (me or my coworker, “P”). P plays by his own rules, leaves randomly, and has been insubordinate to any and all supervisors since he started. He’s knowledgeable, but nobody likes him. He’s disrespectful to the CHWs and acts like he has authority over everyone. Very arrogant, but I don’t work closely with him so…

I work as a medical case manager at an HIV clinic. It's a new program and I've been here about 2 months. There are two of us and a supervisor/and an aide. The case managers are stationed at one of two clinics and expected to respond to crisis as well (which wasn’t on the job description and i had to create the protocol because there was none). We work closely with a team of CHW – 2 CHW and their supervisor. The CHW do an acuity scale and then schedule the patient with the case manager (me or my coworker, “P”).

P plays by his own rules, leaves randomly, and has been insubordinate to any and all supervisors since he started. He’s knowledgeable, but nobody likes him. He’s disrespectful to the CHWs and acts like he has authority over everyone. Very arrogant, but I don’t work closely with him so I’ve ignored it.

It’s a new program. This last week, the CHW decided they don’t like P and started giving me all of his cases, which are at another clinic. They complained to me about him for hours but also they can’t do their responsibilities. They’re also stressed and don’t pay attention in our meetings, so they don’t follow the flow/protocol of uploading scales, keeping track of pts, and scheduling my appts.

I end up having to do a lot of their work for them after communicating 5-6 times things that aren’t being done. My supervisor is supportive but the team is so disorganized and gossipy, and the lack of taking care of the spreadsheet (putting the pts info when they meet with them) and scheduling is a huge disservice to pts. My supervisor also gives me patients because she “trusts” me even when P has 3 pts and is avoiding any messages. I also can’t take 10 intakes in a week because they all take 4+ hours with phone calls and documentation/forms for payment assistance, etc. and I already have pts I’m case managing.

And because they don’t like P, they’re giving me his patients and I have to drive between clinics. Then my supervisor has the audacity of telling me I should try to have all my appointments at his clinic in one day, which is impossible because they all have different schedules.

Additionally, I'm in grad school (9 hours of classes straight on Tuesdays, hour commute). I know it's my fault for taking up a job, but it's too hard financially without doing so. I might quit and find another non-social work job. I work 4 10-hour days, 830-730 because my boss refuses to let me take any less than an hour unpaid break (I asked for 30 and she said “don't make it the norm, maybe on a few occasions”).

I don’t know what to do. Communicate again with my boss? Is this normal?

Edit: my boss also said she’d take some cases but hasn’t taken a single one. When I ask for resources (clients are homeless, etc) she’s incredibly vague and expects me to figure it out. It’s too much.

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