
Best possible excuse to work from home a day where you don’t want to go to the office?

I don't want NOT to work tomorrow, in fact I have 0 problems working as long as it's from home, but I really don't want to go to the office tomorrow: the commute, the atmosphere, you know the drill. What are some excellent excuses to tell your boss you'll have to “work from home today”? NB: no sickness excuses if possible. Thanks a lot.

I don't want NOT to work tomorrow, in fact I have 0 problems working as long as it's from home, but I really don't want to go to the office tomorrow: the commute, the atmosphere, you know the drill.

What are some excellent excuses to tell your boss you'll have to “work from home today”?

NB: no sickness excuses if possible.

Thanks a lot.

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