
Best way to mess with slackers

Im a contractor who works outdoors at customers houses without supervision. Aside from me it is just my crew lead and I but recently my boss has hired another guy to work with us but he's a big slacker. He weaponizes incompetance and knows how to do the work well but chooses to walk slow and half ass all his jobs. Soon enough our paperwork will show we arent getting any more work done with an extra so that will come on my crew lead and I here soon. He was also directly hired from personally knowing the boss and my boss isnt the best at understanding tricky situations, so Im afraid he might side with the slacker if I bring this up. Also this is a temporary Summer job for him so chances are he wont get fired if hes going to be here for a short time. What…

Im a contractor who works outdoors at customers houses without supervision. Aside from me it is just my crew lead and I but recently my boss has hired another guy to work with us but he's a big slacker. He weaponizes incompetance and knows how to do the work well but chooses to walk slow and half ass all his jobs. Soon enough our paperwork will show we arent getting any more work done with an extra so that will come on my crew lead and I here soon. He was also directly hired from personally knowing the boss and my boss isnt the best at understanding tricky situations, so Im afraid he might side with the slacker if I bring this up. Also this is a temporary Summer job for him so chances are he wont get fired if hes going to be here for a short time. What are ways I can fuck with him for the time being since he clearly wont change his work attitude even after nicely showing him? Im a landscaper if it gives any ideas. Its really gotten on my nerves having to cleanup another persons half ass work when its 90+ degrees and humid daily, especially since I cant leave until we finish our job. TIA

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