
better sleep at nights.

im not really antiwork or a socialst or whatever but the fact that major transnational corparactions are losing lots and lots of money makes me happy Becsuse work hard this stratagy that but how can you earn not billions but trilloins in a clean way j never suppourted multi-billionares nor their (stupidly large corparations) And since meta,amazon and s&p 500(the companies its sad some many ppl lost tehir investments) is sinking i hope to see more of them fail Espacially the ones who work with govt. filling their pockets with tax dollars while selling immensly overpriced services I hope you a nice sleep aswell

im not really antiwork or a socialst or whatever but the fact that major transnational corparactions are losing lots and lots of money makes me happy

Becsuse work hard this stratagy that but how can you earn not billions but trilloins in a clean way j never suppourted multi-billionares nor their (stupidly large corparations)

And since meta,amazon and s&p 500(the companies its sad some many ppl lost tehir investments) is sinking i hope to see more of them fail

Espacially the ones who work with govt. filling their pockets with tax dollars while selling immensly overpriced services

I hope you a nice sleep aswell

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