
Beware of new leadership in any setting… They like to fire people to have a quick win in the eyes of their shareholders. I have seen this happen so many times. You get a new boss, he starts asking people what they do for the company, fires everyone to show a profit in his first month, then hires a new workforce to do the same damn thing. The thing I will never understand is why firing people is always the first thing these ASSHOLES do. Why not sell your stupid office building and keep your experienced workforce to innovate and remain competitive? But no, always get rid of your talent, first. Like WTF???

I have seen this happen so many times. You get a new boss, he starts asking people what they do for the company, fires everyone to show a profit in his first month, then hires a new workforce to do the same damn thing.

The thing I will never understand is why firing people is always the first thing these ASSHOLES do. Why not sell your stupid office building and keep your experienced workforce to innovate and remain competitive? But no, always get rid of your talent, first. Like WTF???

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