
BF’s manager is requiring him to use his PTO to cover a day when it was too unsafe to drive to work

So the other week where we live in Texas there was an awful ice storm. Texas doesn't know how to prepare for inclement weather so the roads were undrivable and there were car crashes and power outages everywhere. My bf stayed home the first day of the storm because it was just too risky to drive that day. He made it to work the rest of the days that week but was only there an hour before getting sent home because there were not enough people to do any work. He has a new manager who is telling him that the day he couldn't make it he either has to use a vacation day, or go unpaid. My BF is a salaried engineer at his job but relatively new and doesn't have much PTO each year yet so using one of these days is kind of a big deal. I…

So the other week where we live in Texas there was an awful ice storm. Texas doesn't know how to prepare for inclement weather so the roads were undrivable and there were car crashes and power outages everywhere. My bf stayed home the first day of the storm because it was just too risky to drive that day. He made it to work the rest of the days that week but was only there an hour before getting sent home because there were not enough people to do any work. He has a new manager who is telling him that the day he couldn't make it he either has to use a vacation day, or go unpaid. My BF is a salaried engineer at his job but relatively new and doesn't have much PTO each year yet so using one of these days is kind of a big deal. I told him that's BS and his boss is punishing him for not risking his life just to show up when the office was essentially closed. His manager isn't willing to compromise, won't even consider using a sick day, and says he'll think about “working something out later”, but I don't believe that'll happen and that he's just trying to push this under the rug. I said my bf should ask HR what the policy is here because I'm fairly sure his manager is likely breaking rules regarding health and safety expectations for working in the office. But idk the laws and I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion or advice on this? I have severe second hand anger from this bc I think not dying shouldn't count as a vacation.

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